16 Jun The breast you always wanted
Cosmetic Surgery + News
The breast you always wanted

Text: Cláudia Pinto
Source: https://lifestyle.sapo.pt/moda-e-beleza/beleza-e-estetica/artigos/o-peito-que-sempre-desejou
It continues to be one of the most requested surgeries, especially by women dissatisfied with their natural size. However, when women decide to undergo breast augmentation, they must have real and well-defined expectations.
If you want to have the breasts you’ve always dreamed of, find out more, choose a certified plastic surgeon and proceed without fear.
Mammoplasty aims to «increase small breasts or breasts that have suffered atrophy or reduction after pregnancy, correct asymmetrical breasts or reconstruct breasts that have undergone mastectomy as a result of tumors, which is very common», argues António Conde, plastic surgeon. All healthy women, regardless of age, can undergo this surgery.
«Properly contextualized, the procedure can be recommended to a girl aged 15 to 16 with due parental authorization or to a woman aged 60 or over», says António Conde. In a simple way, with minimal risks, and a short recovery period, «the woman solves a problem that can be quite uncomfortable», adds the plastic surgeon.
Choosing the surgeon
It is essential that the woman is completely confident about the intervention she is about to undergo. For this, it is also crucial to know who will operate on you and where the surgery will take place. António Conde warns that, nowadays, there is a lot of advertising that can lead to wrong choices. «We are all aware of clinics where patients are operated on by doctors who are not specialists in plastic surgery and that there are clinics that are not properly certified for surgical procedures», he says.
The plastic surgeon advises his patients not to choose a specific specialist or clinic with price as a priority factor. «This should be the last criterion of choice. I am of the opinion that patients will be much safer being operated on by a specialist in a hospital where there is medical and nursing assistance 24 hours a day, an intensive care unit and the other criteria that currently certify suitable hospitals. It’s more expensive, without a doubt, but the price difference must have a reason», he reinforces.
Patients operated on by plastic surgeon António Conde undergo two essential consultations so that the entire procedure can be calmly explained. Routine pre-operative exams are also requested at these times. The information obtained through these means is fundamental and can even affect the work of the specialist, who has the duty to analyze in detail all the elements obtained through this means.
Who cannot be operated on?
All women who suffer from serious mental illnesses or certain organic pathologies are contraindicated for unnecessary surgical procedures.
These diseases include, for example, infectious conditions, decompensated diabetes, serious metabolic diseases, kidney failure and heart failure.
António Conde also warns that “patients with inadequate expectations” are also a contraindication.
These include people who «do not accept the existence of any scar or the risk of complications, as well as those who aspire to results that are impossible or highly unlikely to be obtained», explains António Conde.
Preoperative care
Before surgery, it is recommended that the patient stop smoking and taking aspirin or drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, as this substance affects bleeding time and clotting. It is also recommended to stop taking weight loss medications and drinking alcoholic beverages for 10 days before surgery.
Any change in physical condition (flu or illness) must be reported immediately to the doctor. The day before the intervention, the patient should opt for light meals and fast completely from midnight on the day of surgery. «it is also recommended that the patient follow her usual, but intensified, hygiene care on the eve of the procedure», indicates António Conde.
The intervention step by step
Mammoplasty consists of the introduction of silicone implants, which are generally well tolerated by the body. According to the patient’s indications and expectations, the different sizes and shapes available on the market are chosen with due advice from the plastic surgeon.
The incision to be used is defined and agreed with the patient. «In my practice I use the axillary approach 90 times because I understand that the breast should remain immaculate», highlights António Conde. The incision is, on average, four cm long and is placed in an axillary crease.
«Then the retroglandular space is approached and the implant is placed. Most of the time I avoid the retromuscular space because I understand that the surgery is more aggressive and because I fear the poor positioning of the prosthesis that could insidiously occur», explains António Conde. The incisions are closed with internal sutures, meaning it is not necessary to remove stitches later. drains are placed for a period of two days.
How long does the surgery take?
The patient is discharged at the end of the day when operated on in the morning or the next day if the surgery takes place in the afternoon. The average surgery time is 30 minutes to one hour (in the case of breast augmentation).
«The two scars on the areola or in the inframammary fold that exist when the breast is directly approached can be a sign of the procedure, on the one hand, and can eventually be more aggressive with regard to the normal architecture of the breast tissue and even its functionality, particularly in the areolar approach”, explains the plastic surgeon.
Post-operative care
There are some precautions that patients should take after surgery to reduce the risk of complications and for the results to be as expected:
The patient will be able to resume her professional activity (when great physical effort is not required) three days later. «For a month, massage treatments and the application of appropriate creams are always recommended. I also prescribe the use of a specific bra for a period of two months», says António Conde.
It is uncommon to have intense pain after surgery. «In the case of complaints, these can be controlled with painkillers», assures the plastic surgeon. For a week, the patient should, however, avoid lifting or opening her arms and sleeping on her stomach. Edema and bruising are common but disappear over time.
Over the course of six months, on average, the patient will have to attend two appointments. «The result, in terms of increase, is immediately noticeable in the immediate post-operative period. This is followed by a variable period of two to three weeks of reabsorption of edema and/or slight bruising and reduction of skin tension, so that, after 30 days, we can begin to see a stable result”, says the specialist.
Risks and complications
Nowadays, with technical and scientific advances, complications and risks are minimal but, for example, temporary loss of sensitivity or nipple hypersensitivity may occur. «In some cases there may be encapsulation (retraction of the fibrous capsule that surrounds the prosthesis) as a result of excessive internal scarring.
This complication causes the breast to harden, resulting in discomfort for the patient. To prevent this situation, massages guided by a doctor or medical and surgical procedures are recommended”, says António Conde. The occurrence of complications is rare, as long as the patient follows the medication and instructions recommended by the doctor.